Toronto Star Features Grade 6 Students' Traffic Study
Excerpt from the Toronto Star article by Tara Deschamps, published on Friday, November 13, 2015
Grade 6 students push for crosswalk with traffic study, impressing councillor
For the most part, the Grade 6 girls of the Linden School are a well-behaved bunch. Except when they’re crossing Pleasant Blvd. on their way to class.
It’s then that most dart across the street, jaywalking — a step that makes getting to school quicker, they say, because they can use a laneway behind Linden. Quicker maybe, but it also makes the trek more dangerous.
That’s what inspired the girls in teacher Beth Alexander’s class to undertake a traffic study designed to prove that something must be done to make the boulevard near Yonge St. and St. Clair Ave. E. safer. Read more...