How We Will Put Your Gifts to Work


Hear what our students have to say about Linden's extracurriculars


A message from our middle and senior school teacher, Deanna Harris


Hear from our Eco Team about their goals and initiatives, including becoming certified as an Eco School of Ontario


Annual Giving Appeal FAQs

Q: What is Annual Giving?
A: Linden’s Annual Giving Fund enriches our educational offerings and goes directly into classrooms to benefit every student. The Annual Giving Campaign is our primary fundraiser over the school year.

Q: What Kind of Resources Does Annual Giving Support? *
A: Here are some examples of what annual giving donors have made possible in the past:

  • Guest Speakers
    We always seek new and exciting ways to engage students and families. Special workshops held by field experts expand and enrich our curriculum and community programming.

  • Faculty Professional Development
    Your gifts to the annual giving campaign have enabled Linden faculty to hear from leading experts in a range of subjects — most recently social/emotional well-being, Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression, mental health, and much more. Faculty participation in workshops and conferences brings advances in teaching practices and innovative curriculum directly to the classroom

  • Bursary Program
    Our mission emphasizes inclusivity and diversity; you help us live our mission together and welcome a greater breadth of backgrounds by removing the financial barrier to a Linden education for mission-aligned students and families.

  • Equipment, Resources, and Technology
    These enhance our programs including Drama, Athletics, Art, Science, and more.

* Gifts made through annual giving are unrestricted and enable Linden to decide how best to meet areas of greatest need across the school.

Q: Who Contributes to Annual Giving?
A: Linden families contribute the most to the Annual Giving Fund, followed by grandparents, alumni, and friends.

Q: How Often Will I Be Contacted To Donate To The School?
A: Only during the Annual Giving drive, which lasts from December–January. There may be other optional fundraising events over the school year.

Q. How are Donors Acknowledged?
A: Donors will receive a thank you card and a tax receipt. The names of all donors may be included in our newsletter or website unless you indicate to us that you wish to remain anonymous. We will not publish donation amounts, only donors’ names.

Q: Doesn’t My Tuition Payment Pay for What’s Covered by Annual Giving?
A: No, tuition alone does not cover the full cost of educating a Linden student. As with most independent schools, fundraising is necessary to cover all the costs of delivering, evolving, and improving Linden’s program.

More Questions?
For more information about our Annual Giving Campaign, please email [email protected]