Junior & Middle School Drama Night
The girls are very excited to show off our teamwork! Girls should bring an extra snack on that day, to keep up their energy after school. Performances will happen in grade order from the Early Learning Class up to Grade 8. There will be an intermission in between the Grade 6 and 7 performances, where popcorn and other snacks will be available for purchase!
4:00 PM–5:30 PM: Grades JK–6
5:45 PM–7:00 PM: Grades 7–8
Cost: $7 PWYC at the door (cash or cheque made payable to The Linden School). All proceeds will go towards covering the cost of the stage rental.
We do ask that audience members remain for the whole performance if possible.
30-05-2019 16:00:00 30-05-2019 19:00:00 America/New_York Junior & Middle School Drama Night The girls are very excited to show off our teamwork! Girls should bring an extra snack on that day, to keep up their energy after school. Performances will happen in...: https://www.lindenschool.ca/junior_middle_school_drama_night_2018_20190530 Linden Gym - When:May 30, 2019 at 4:00pm – 7pm
Linden Gym