Elephant Rescue Event

Love and Bananas
An Elephant Story documentary film

Guest Speaker Animal Advocate and Activist, Kathryn Sussman

Grades 5 and up are welcome to attend the screening event because there are some mature scenes in the movie. For children Grade 4 and under there will be a special elephant aftercare.

We will be selling popcorn, bookmarks and more at our screening. We will be donating all the money we earn to the elephants who need it.

Please RSVP to [email protected] or [email protected]

Hope to see you and your parents there because a world without elephants is not a world we want to live in. It's time to take action even if we're only kids

30-04-2019 16:00:00 30-04-2019 18:15:00 America/New_York Elephant Rescue Event Love and BananasAn Elephant Story documentary filmwithGuest Speaker Animal Advocate and Activist, Kathryn Sussman Grades 5 and up are welcome to attend the screening event because there are some mature...: https://www.lindenschool.ca/elephant_rescue_event - [email protected]
April 30, 2019 at 4:00pm – 6:15pm