Chicken Nugget Flies Again
Linden’s aftercare students rescue an injured chickadee.
Linden’s aftercare students recently found an injured chickadee outside of the school. “Chicken Nugget” had collided with a window, and was dazed and unable to fly. The students knew exactly what to do — they kept the bird safe from being scooped up by predators, stepped on by humans, or crushed by the nearby door. A few minutes later, Chicken Nugget revived and flew off.
Students then participated in citizen science. With help from admissions director/bird enthusiast Jean and aftercare leader Nicole, they logged the incident in the Global Bird Collision Mapper, an online tool that tracks bird collisions worldwide. The data is used to lobby for bird-safe building design and helps to prevent millions of bird fatalities each year, including endangered and at-risk species.
Great work aftercare students – you not only saved Chicken Nugget, but you also helped save countless birds in the future!