Pages tagged "2025 events"
Victoria Day: No School
Easter Monday: No School
Good Friday: No School
Professional Development Day: NO SCHOOL
Linden Summer Camp
Summer Vacation Begins!
Celebration to Greet the Summer 2025
When: June 12, 2025, 5–8 pm
Celebration to Greet The Summer is the final event of the school year and sometimes includes musical and dramatic presentations. Students receive achievement awards, and ceremonies mark the Grade 8 and Grade 12 graduations. Grade 12 graduates are crowned with laurels of Linden leaves by Linden alumnae. Instead of a single valedictorian representing the voice of the class, each graduate makes a valedictory address. Every speech is different, but they are all meaningful, both to the graduating class and to the larger Linden community.
Grade 8 Graduation
Grade 6 Graduation
Grade 6 Families are invited to Linden's Grade 6 Graduation on Monday, June 9th, at 3:00pm. The ceremony with feature short speeches from students, teachers and families in honour of the accomplishments of the Grade 6 Class of 2025.
Community Day
Community Day is a full-day school field trip that celebrates the school year!