September and October Language Experiences
Here the grade one/two students are working on developing their language skills with the Words Their Way spelling programme.
K is independently supporting her reading and writing skills as she sorts pictures from the programme that have the short and long letter 'o' sounds.
Quite proudly, Z reads her story using the weekly words from her sorting set. She is excited to share the adventures of the "man" (from the "an" word family) with her classmates. By writing and reading aloud, students are able to develop their language skills which include the important component of editing our thoughts on paper.
During an "appointment", A's story, based on her weekly words, is being typed so that she can make a printed book. The finished product will be shared with classmates and teachers. Practicing reading with familiar text is an essential way to develop language skills that can be transferred to other subject areas, and, it builds confidence! Way to go, A, be proud, you worked very hard at being an author!
The printed pages with text are ready to have pictures added to them. Excitedly, A is working on completing her book by illustrating her thoughts. Creativity is in the air!
A special reading moment is shared between Z and C as they embrace the art of storytelling in the hall on comfy carpet squares. Practicing the development of literacy skills can be seen in many forms throughout the day at Linden.
As the students worked on the importance of why we celebrate the International Day of the Girl, A writes her ideas down after she finds the correct date on the calendar.
The grade one/two students created "I AM..." books to showcase parts of their personalities. Here, on page three, A is writing that she is a good friend. She creatively connected her writing to drawings of herself and her friend.
Journal writing takes many forms, and here C is working on recording her goals to share at the Family Faculty Conferences. Some of them included: remembering her stuff and being prepared.
Z added to our class list of goals and is working on recording her own in her journal. She is using the Word Wall for writing support which aligns with development at this stage of literacy skill formation and independent completion of her work.
In her journal, G is concentrating on recording her goals that she will share with her family. As she records, she is focussed on letter formation and staying between the lines.