Purple Pride!
Raise your hand if you’re happy to be at Linden! Our Grade 8s decked out in their Purple Pride during an outdoor class.
On October 21, Linden kicked off our monthly School Spirit festivities with Purple Pride Day. Students and staff came dressed in as much purple as we could find to show their love for our community. We got to see everyone’s Linden gear, a couple of pairs of purple pants, and lots of crazy hair accessories.
Coming up on November 18, get out the hairspray and some purple bows for Flare Your Hair Day! We want to see everyone’s wacky hairdos to show off our school pride. On Monday, December 9 we’ll be seeing doubles — triples even— as we coordinate Matchy-Match outfits with partners and groups around the school. In a year of uncertainty, we can always count on our Linden Pride!
The Early Learners were very proud to show up in their Linden Purple.