Open House - November

Posted by Admin on October 24, 2016 at 11:59 AM


We invite you and your daughter to learn about our unique program. During the Open House, our student ambassadors will provide a tour of the facilities, and you may visit classrooms and speak with students and teachers. Linden parents are also available to share their experiences with you. 

This year, we will also be hosting our Social Justice Data Fair during the Open House. The fair has been held at the Linden School for the past several years. It is an opportunity for our students to use their math and data management skills to study issues they’re concerned about. The fair is an example of how our independent, girl-centered school includes topics of social justice in our curriculum. Most of our families also support learning math through the lens of social justice. (Parents have commented how much they enjoy having their daughters bring math class conversations to the dinner table.)

Please feel free to drop in and learn how our girls are using math to help make the world a better place!

Can't make the Fair but are interested in learning more about it? We will be publishing pictures and project descriptions on the website. In the meantime, learn more by reading an article by Linden faculty Beth Alexander and Michelle Munk "A Social Justice Data Fair: Questioning the World Through Math" and reading our post about last year's fair.