Week Twenty Four: One Hundred Days

Posted by Admin on March 06, 2017 at 2:07 PM


We have made it to the 100th day of school - what a milestone for these girls! Monday marked roughly the 100th day that we've spent together at Linden as Early Learners. Of course a day like this must be celebrated with a party, filled with treats, balloons, themed learning, and more. We also used this day, and our ongoing "100 Acts of Kindness" conversation to challenge the Linden community to identify and write down 100 Acts of Kindness that they see or experience before the start of March Break. It was a fun-filled week with some new experiences, and I am excited to share our photo story below.


Z adds some of the first words to our "100 words" list. This list remained ongoing throughout the week, and we are still working together to write down 100 words.


S loops papers together to help create a chain that has 100 links. The girls began adding the numbers to the chains after recounting them so many times throughout the day.


As with any good celebration, party crowns were designed and made by the girls themselves. G, M and S work together to create a structure that has 100 pieces. By the looks of it, they have included well over 100 pieces and they continue to add to it.


M and G chat away as they bead necklaces and bracelets together. Beading works on strengthening fine motor control and focus, as well as helps develop their patience.


S works through a number of different math activities, including addition and a dice and counters game, before she settles on working with the calculator. I show her how she can input addition problems to check the answers she comes up with.


S adds a few more words to our list of 100 words. She wants to write "sun" and remembers that I have written "sunny", so she breaks down the word into the sounds that she needs to use as well.


A reads G a book all about oceans and ocean animals during reading buddies. She uses the globe to help G understand what parts of the world the different oceans are located in. G loves looking at maps, and is very engaged.


N reads G a book called "Who Would Win - shark or salt water crocodile". G loves learning about the strengths of the different animals, and points to the parts that she would like N to read again.


S works on creating our March calendar. She has no problem working independently to write the letters that spell March, as well as the numbers for each calendar day. S is excited to finally have a turn to be the one in charge of making the calendar.


G starts at the number 1 on our floor number line. We are learning how to add two numbers together, thinking about where we need to start, and how many "jumps" we need to take. The girls are quickly catching on to the concept of "counting on" and are getting some exercise in the process. Next week we will try subtraction!


Beautiful smiles from Z and G, who are also modelling their handmade, beaded chokers. Look out One of a Kind Show, we have budding designers on our hands!


M is trying to create the vision she has in her head - a magnatile tunnel that runs overtop of the marble pathway. The magnatiles are not holding together quite like she hoped, causing some frustration. Despite struggling to achieve the results she wants, M perseveres and tries to find different solutions that will hold the tunnel up, and she is eventually successful!


A few weeks ago, G brought in a bird's nest that she found in her dad's backyard. She has decided today that she wants to spend time at the Nature Centre sketching it. She adds the details of the plastic woven in with the twigs, helping her understand the different materials birds use to build their nests.


G and M work together at Communication to play a sight word review game. Each girl has a pile of sight words that we've learned together, and they take turns showing each other a word. The girl who is being shown the word also has to write it down and say it, supporting her in automatizing its recognition and spelling.


G reads through her words of the week after she has matched them all, glued them down, and written them once herself. This week's words fall in the -ad and -an families. She is flying through them!


M plays a new math game, "Take 10 Make 10" on her own. She is trying to find as many different combinations of red and blue chips that make 10 total. Establishing a benchmark of 10 (and 5) is very important as a budding mathematician.


G has brought in her ukulele to share with the class. She strums away, but tells us that she doesn't know any specific songs because she doesn't yet know the notes. The girls spend time asking her questions about the ukulele, and also want to give it a try - G is very kind and let's them each take a turn playing.


S shares the marble run she has designed with Mel at the end of the day. She enjoys setting up the marble works pieces in various combinations to see the different ways the marbles will travel.