Model UN 2018, Copenhagen: Daily Blog #3

Posted by Admin on April 21, 2018 at 9:09 AM


Each year, Linden students from Grade 11 participate in Rysensteen Gymnasium’s Model UN in Copenhagen. Below is the third in a series of blogs from the 2018 event.

Experiencing another side of the world

By Ava Wilkins, Grade 11

My week in Copenhagen was my first week in Europe. On Wednesday morning, I woke up at 7:00 am to start my second day of the Model United Nations conference at the Rysensteen School in Copenhagen where it took place. I left with my host Magnus at around 7:40 am, with some time to look around the beautiful city before the conference, which started at around 8:00 am.

I represented the Republic of India, whose opinions I would consider when coming up with resolutions, which we wrote in individual alliances. I was in the room of DISEC1, which is where we discussed the issue of cyber-attacks within our countries. At first, I was nervous about the conference, but after Tuesday I felt more prepared. After a lunch break, we attended the closing ceremonies, which is where they gave certificates to the best delegates. I thought that the awards seemed to be very well deserved.

At around 2:45 pm, due to the nice weather, all of us, including our hosts and some other students, went to a park. With a view of the water right in front of us, it was a great place to relax from the conference.

We left the park at around 5:00 pm to get burgers for dinner with only a few of us, our hosts, and some more of the students. This was another great way to continue the day because it gave us all another chance to get to know each other after the conference was over.

Although the day was relaxing, I was ready to go to bed early. My takeaways from this day: I learned about collaboration, I experienced a new side of the world, and I taught myself about another country, India, that I had never been to. Maybe that could be my next trip.

Read other blogs from Copenhagen:

Blog #1 | Blog #2 | Blog #3 | Blog #4 | Blog #5 | Blog #6

