Linden Archives will go down in history!

Posted by Admin on May 30, 2019 at 10:49 PM


By Grade 6 students Danuvi, Maeve, and teacher Lori O’Leary

In February, our Linden archivist Kimberley Noble came to the grade 6 class to explore and learn about the Linden archives and what they mean to the Linden school. She collects, organizes and preserves things for our school. We learned about how the yearbooks changed over the years and how the our Linden school grew and grew. We also learned some exciting news! Our big archive collection is being donated to the Archives of Ontario!

The archiving work began in 1993 and the donations we are gathering for the archives of  Ontario ended in 2012. We will produce other donations in five or ten years. How big do you think the Linden school archive is? will find out soon.


Check out these fun facts!

The Archives of Ontario describes Linden’s archives as being:

  1. Five meters of textual records
  2. 4,000 photographs including both negatives and prints
  3. 13 display plaques
  4. 100 videocassettes (40 VHS 44 DVAM,1 Betacam, 15 8mm video cassettes)
  5. 15 DVD-R
  6. 75 CD -ROM
  7. 60 3.5-inch floppy disks

This collection does not contain any digital records on computers. This will be a way in five or ten years when we make our next donation! One of the main jobs for the Linden Archivist is in the next five or ten years is to create a way to organize and label all of the online documents that were stored on the cd’s beginning in the 2000s.


Students reflections:

“The way the Linden school stored film over the years was so cool. I liked how we got to tell stories about things we read in bathrooms and in the back stairwell. Kimberly said we could take pictures and add them to the archives.” —Vanessa

“I really enjoyed learning from someone who knows Linden very, very well. I was surprised by how much we kept and how much there was. We found and named two Linden School teddy bears and we are keeping them in our classroom.” —Maeve

“They kept a lot of stuff.” —Skyla


