Introducing Linden’s New Principal: Janice Gladstone
Community Announcement
Dear Members of the Linden community,
On behalf of the Board of Trustees, it is with great joy and anticipation that I introduce to you, Janice Gladstone, our new principal of The Linden School. After a thorough and inclusive search process, Janice’s record of achievement and values set her apart as the clear and unanimous choice of the Search Committee and Linden’s Board of Trustees.
Janice has long been a supporter of Linden. A strong advocate for all-girls schools, Janice volunteered at Linden during the school’s very first year. During the last 10 years, she has been a vice-principal in the TDSB and is currently in that role at Harbord Collegiate. Janice’s strong background in science, beginning with her Bachelors and Masters degrees in mechanical engineering from Waterloo University, coupled with her teaching experience in science, physics and mathematics have provided her with a rigorous academic and creative approach to teaching and engaging students.
Janice brings the leadership experience necessary to fully develop Linden’s potential as an innovative leader in girls’ education. Her leadership in areas such as differentiated instruction in the classroom, teacher and student mentorship, and her innovative programs for student success, anti-bullying, and positive school climates, are only a few of her many initiatives. She has also spearheaded equity-focused practices to challenge gender and sexual norms; her work in this area recently earned her an anti-homophobia award from OISE.
Please learn more about Janice and the depth and breadth of her experience:
Janice looks forward to meeting with you, and has already had the pleasure of engaging with some of our faculty and students. Janice will join us at our Celebration To Greet The Summer on June 11th, and there will be more opportunities for you to meet with her over the coming months. Janice’s appointment is effective on August 1, 2015.
I wish to thank you all for your participation throughout this process. Whether you served on the search committee, participated in the leadership survey, called or sent us e-mails, your feedback was invaluable. I would like to also extend a sincere thank you to the parents, alumna and faculty who served on the Search Committee and recommended Janice for this position.
I look forward to seeing you all at the Young People’s Theatre on Thursday, June 11 at 5:00pm for our Celebration To Greet The Summer on June 11th.
Yours sincerely,
Eleanor Moore
Chair, The Linden School, Board of Trustees