Honouring Our 2020 Graduates
Posted by Admin on May 25, 2020 at 5:30 PM
This webpage has been created in honour of our 2019–2020 academic year graduates. Here, you’ll find our graduate profiles and a message from Janice Gladstone, School Principal. We will also be adding a video produced by the Grade 11s to commemorate special memories honouring these exceptional leaders.
Linden's Grade 12 diploma presentation and traditional Celebration to Greet the Summer will take place online on June 11, 2020 at 5pm. Please stay tuned for login information.
Message from School Principal Janice Gladstone
Thank you for being exceptional role models and school leaders. Linden alumnae always tell us that Linden’s feminist mission and their school experiences have continued to shape their lives beyond graduation. We expect that this special place will have a similar impact on your lives. The perseverance and determination you have shown over the past few weeks has been truly inspiring. Despite the current crisis, the world is full of tremendous opportunities just waiting for you. We want you to pursue your hopes and dreams courageously, knowing that you have a strong voice, and as changemakers you will make this world a better place.
You’ve worked hard to achieve your goals. It's time to celebrate!
Special Messages from Faculty, Students, Friends, and Family
Post congratulatory messages to our grads letting them know how proud you are of them and share your excitement for their next journey.
Click here to add to their Kudoboard now!
Graduate Profiles
Daragh Bryson
Daragh has been with Linden for eight years, and remembers her first time at the Southern Ontario Classics Conference with great fondness – particularly the Chariot Race. She is going to miss chatting with her teachers and spending time with her friends between classes. She is looking forward to studying Nursing, and getting a cat (or two!). She hasn’t yet decided on a school for next year. We are sure you’ll do well, Daragh, and wish you the best in your future!
Eden Levine-Barnoff
Edie came to Linden in Grade 4, and has enjoyed playing on the Linden Nation sports teams and participating in the Southern Ontario Classics Conference. She showed her strong leadership potential in captaining the mock archaeological dig team at the classics conference in grade 11, finishing the team’s first time participating without getting disqualified--an impressive feat. Next year she will miss how much the Linden teachers care about their students, and the brown sugar cookies Daragh makes for her. In the future she wants to travel and get a pet bunny -- perhaps we will see a travelling bunny blog. She is looking forward to studying while surrounded by nature, pursuing Environmental Science at Trent University next year. Good luck out there, Edie, we can’t wait to see the cool things you’ll do!
Ellen Boyle-Price
Ellen’s favourite memory of Linden is participating in the Annual Music Nights, sharing both her own performances and watching and supporting other students’. Over her six years at Linden Ellen has had a lot of fun playing on Linden sports teams, and says “tournament and game days are the absolute most fun days!”. Next year she will be attending Queen’s University to study Psychology, and plans to use this degree to work with children as either a psychologist or a teacher. She is particularly interested in art and music therapy. She is looking forward to learning and living in a new environment, with new people, clubs and sports teams. We look forward to hearing about your successes and new learning next year, Ellen!
Halley Simenhoff
Halley came to Linden in Grade 5, and has enjoyed learning about philosophy and politics -- her stated goal is to turn everyone she meets next year into a socialist. Her favourite memory from Linden is taking the train from Copenhagen to Malmo on the Model UN trip, with Sophie Q, My and Andrea. Next year she is going to miss turning every disagreement in every class into a socialist debate (whenever her teachers let her get away with it). She has not chosen a University or program yet, but intends to master either time travel or resurrection in order to have a cup of coffee with Karl Marx. We’re looking forward to seeing you make your mark on the world, Halley, and wish you well on your next steps in life!
Mieko Yao
Mieko has been at Linden since Grade 1, and has enjoyed the impromptu discussions with her teachers about current events in the school and the world. Her favourite memory of Linden is the time she and Edie bought a whole cake from Loblaws right before an extra help session with Nasrin, and spent the next hour handing out slices of cake instead of doing math. For next year, she is deciding between biomedical engineering at the University of Waterloo and computer science at UofT. She is most excited to meet new people in such a drastically different environment from Linden. Good luck moving forward, Mieko, we’re looking forward to seeing what you’ll do!
Sophie Quastel
Sophie came to Linden in Grade 9, and has many good memories from her four years here. At the top of her list are the winter camping trip in grade 9, the Copenhagen trip, and playing on the Linden Nation sports teams where she showed her determination and leadership abilities. Next year she’s going to miss the all-school gathering at Greetings, and plans to join a book club. She hasn’t yet decided on a program or university. Whatever you choose, Sophie, we know you’re going to do amazing things. Good luck!
You can watch the Celebration to Greet the Summer video here!