Career Day
Each year, Linden’s grade 10 students host Career Day as part of their Careers course curriculum. Parents, alumnae, community members and friends speak to our Grade 5-12 students about their careers. We would love to hear from parents who are bringing Linden’s mission to life in their chosen fields.
Career Day will take place on Zoom over two afternoons, Monday May 10th and Friday May 14th. Participants will have 25 minutes for a presentation and Q&A, and they may choose to join for one or both days. If you are interested in sharing insights about your career journey, please reach out to Civics and Careers Teacher Deanna Harris by April 19th. [email protected].
10-05-2021 12:45:00 10-05-2021 15:45:00 America/New_York Career Day Each year, Linden’s grade 10 students host Career Day as part of their Careers course curriculum. Parents, alumnae, community members and friends speak to our Grade 5-12 students about their...: - Deanna Harris [email protected] When:May 10, 2021 at 12:45pm – 3:45pm
Deanna Harris