Annual Art Show Success!
Linden community members enjoying the art exhibits and fundraising activities.
We would like to thank the Linden Community for joining us at this year's art show, and helping us raise funds for our art program.
Our special thanks to the Linden Parent Committee, who helped organize this year's fundraising activities. Both the Gift Card Grab and the Silent Auction sold out thanks to everyone's enthusiastic support.
Funds raised include:
- Colouring books: $190
- Henna: $46.10
- Drinks: $64
- Silent Auction: $690
- Gift Card Grab: $746
The grand net total raised for Linden's art program is $1,736.10! This is an excellent result for what was a sideshow to the main event, which beautifully showcased Linden students' wonderful artwork.
A 3-dimensional person painted to look like a 2-dimensional painting!
Henna Painting.
Grade 6 display their electric blanket, showcasing interdisciplinary work combining the arts and sciences.
Activist art and creative installations by senior students.
Grade 7 & 8 colouring books were available for sale.
Senior students distributed their literary journal, Incendiary.
Linden community volunteers received special recognition including a variety of cupcakes!