2017 Drama Productions
Senior drama students celebrating their performance of the play, Unity (1918) by Kevin Kerr.
Brilliant Performance of Unity (1918) by Senior Students
By Kristy Smith, Linden Teacher
Congratulations to the Senior Drama Club for an amazing performance of Unity (1918) by Kevin Kerr, which was held on May 11 and 12, 2017. Our Linden girls grappled with many complex themes in the play, such as loss, love, pandemic, fear, and what it means to be a young adult in a world ravaged by disease and war. This endeavour was no typical high school play, and our actors brought to life a beautiful story that challenges the audience to question their own place in a current society where fear has taken other forms.
Special thanks to our stagehand-actors from Royal St. George's College, our parent volunteers, Brie Cooper and the Art Club, Beth Alexander, Allison Bain, and everyone in our community who continues to support Linden drama!
"You know Beatrice, fear is the real killer."
Another Successful Junior Drama Night!
By Soteira Briginshaw, Linden Teacher
On May 18, 2018, students from JK through to Grade 8 performed original plays for a packed audience. The actors told tales of powerful necklaces, time travel, democracy in action, impish tricksters, alternative fairy tales, and authoritarian regimes. Some scripts were even written by the students themselves! A special thank you to Edie for running our lights, to Caron and all the parent volunteers for facilitating the snack station, and to all the supporters who joined our audience that evening. What a spectacular night!
Grade 8 Drama Students.
Early Learners Enjoying Their Performance.