Week 32: May 7–11, 2018
Another eventful week at Linden began with our annual Linden Art Show on Monday. The Grade 1-2s were very proud to showcase many of their beautiful creations to the broader community. In our classroom, our Painted Lady butterfly larvae continued growing and we wrapped up the week with four chrysalises so far! The Grade 1-2s spent time in class making detailed diagrams and writing observations in their science notebooks. They are demonstrating a great deal of focus on using proper science terminology and making accurate observations about what they see in the moment. We also continued rehearsing for our Junior Drama Night production "Panda's Party Problem". The Grade 1-2s collaborated on the plot ideas and characters and then Grade 1-2s wrote the lines for the whole play. By the end of the week, we had progressed from line read-throughs to incorporating physical movements in our performance. On Thursday, we welcomed A, a visiting student who will be joining our class next year. The Grade 1-2s were keen to show her around the classroom and school. They also enjoyed having her along for their ravine scavenger hunt during all-school.
After the weekend, the Grade 1-2s are astounded at how quickly the larvae have grown. They notice that the colour is getting darker and that some are even developing spots. Every day, each student draws a diagram of one of the larvae and records observations about changes in size, colour, life cycle stage, behaviour, and more.
G makes sure that her diagram highlights how many legs she sees on the larvae. G remarks that her larvae is very active as it moves around the container.
In CERES class, M, M, and work as a team with N during a barrier game. The group on the other side of the barrier gives instructions about the types of shapes, numbers of each shape, and positions they are attached in to try and help the other group replicate their shape with only verbal instructions.
In Cooking Club, M spoons yoghurt into the food processor to make mango lassi. The students in the club remarked that it tasted like a smoothie.
In Music/French class, the Grade 1-2s and Early Learners perform the song "Vole, Vole, Vole Papillon", complete with actions.
The Grade 1-2s and Early Learners pose in front of a display at the annual Linden Art Show on Tuesday.
In CERES class, students use personal coded voting cards to participate in interactive surveys.
M and S share a script as we read through their Junior Drama Night play "Panda's Party Problem". In the script, S plays a butterfly bus driver and M plays a magical pony.
G and M both enjoy books together that they purchased from Linden's first Used Book Sale. They are both so proud to be reading new chapter books.
During our Coordinated Visit Day, M and S play a game of pass the basketball with A, a visiting SK student.
During science class, Z proudly explains the Word Wall to A, a visiting SK student. She explains that it is like a dictionary that helps them spell words they don't know. She is proud of how many words they have advocated for adding throughout the year.
During a ravine scavenger hunt all-school event, K and G are both excited to have discovered one of 9 planted "fairy doors" along the walk.
Linden family, Hestia, finds a beautiful tree to hug during an all-school ravine scavenger hunt.
As Panda, K reads her lines from the Junior Drama Night script that the Grade 1-2s wrote. We are looking forward to performing this in a few weeks!
M enthusiastically shows P how one of the larvae have formed their chrysalis. M is very excited that four larvae have already made this transition.
K gives her black cherry tomato plant some TLC before the weekend.
The Grade 1-2s and Early Learners proudly display the music notes that they made out of Play-doh in Music/French class.