Week 1: September 6–8, 2017
Despite being a short week, the new Grade 1-2 class at Linden had an action-packed few days inside and outside of the classroom! Wednesday started with a potluck breakfast in our classroom and then we joined the whole school for Linden's 25th annual birthday celebration in the gym. In the afternoon, the students got an introduction to a number of different classes including our brand new CERES lab which they will visit twice each week. We even had a visit from a special photographer! Thursday was the beginning of our Writer's Workshop, a daily writing program which many 1-2s were looking forward to picking up again after the summer break. We also went on a patterning hunt around the school and experimented with measuring mass using triple beam balances in science class. The students are looking forward to when they get to use our new microscopes in a lesson! Friday was another busy day with our school photos and a lot of outdoor adventure. We went on a ravine walk where we saw lots of insects and also read a great book together to help get our scientist brains excited.
1-2s and Early Learners with our candles at Linden's 25th annual birthday celebration.
Z shares a favourite fairy tale with M.
S curls up with a new Thea Stilton book in the reading chair.
The 1-2 students working together on a patterning exercise.
G explores patterning in a different way with the orientation of her hexagons.
M attempts a delicate balancing act with her patterning blocks.
M shows how she can skip backwards.
K reunites with the playhouse.
S and M play a game of cats.
G works on refining her dribbling skills.
S and K working on their first day reflections during Writer's Workshop.
M and G made good use of our new word wall to spell unfamiliar words.
M wrote about playing with her new friend S on the roof.
M and K used the triple beam balances to measure objects in the classroom and then hypothesized about what made them heavy or light.
Ellen and Soteira walk the 1-2s and Early Learners to the park for gym class.
S, M, G, and Z stop to examine a group of wasps gathered in a spot on the sidewalk and to hypothesize about what brought them together.
S shows how strong muscles can be used on the monkey bars.
M shows K a ladybug she found in the ravine.
Bridge experts teach aspiring gymnasts while we wait for our school photos.
Ending our week with a walk in the ravine along with the Early Learning class.