The Mythical Creatures Club

Posted by Admin on June 25, 2018 at 11:19 PM


The Mythical Creatures Club Members with Martha Muraira, STEM Teacher.

By Martha Muraira, STEM Teacher

The Mythical Creatures Club was one of the most energetic and high-spirited student-led clubs at Linden this year. Grade 6 student Bea came up with the idea of the founding the club at the beginning of the year, and fellow classmate Ariana was on board from day one. Both have exhibited excellent leadership skills in organizing the club and advertising it within the school.

The club quickly gained a large following, with loyal members eagerly looking forward to their weekly meetings. Each week club leaders Bea and Ariana would come up with wonderful ideas for fun and engaging activities, which included creating masks, clay creatures, poems, and a short play.

What students have to say about the club:

"I like the costumes and practicing for the play. I like watching movies." —Milo, Grade 1
"I like practicing for the play." —Kesem, Grade 1
"Cool and fun activities every week!" —Meredith, Grade 6
"To use my imagination with all my friends." —Serena, Grade 6
"My favourite part is when Polly is rehearsing for the play." —Clara, Grade 6

It's wonderful to see Linden students taking initiative and using their imaginations to lead, play, learn, and enjoy different activities!