Junior and Intermediate School Drama

Posted by Admin on May 08, 2016 at 5:10 PM


On April 27th, Linden students had the opportunity to show off their acting, playwriting, and stage crew talents at our annual Drama Night event. This year, students also had the benefit of using our new stage equipment, including new curtains and a colourful lighting system. Highlights from the Junior School performances included the outstanding masks made by the Grade 2, 3 and 4 class in The Great Kapok Tree, the original script by Linden's Anti-Bullying Club, written collaboratively by the entire Grade 5 class, and the physical comedy of the Grade 6 performance in The Vacant Lot.

After a short intermission, the middle school students performed. Grade 7 wrote two original scripts, which had everyone laughing. Then the Grade 8 class showed us the lighter side of test anxiety in a performance of This is a Test by Stephen Gregg.

Extra thank-yous go to Edie for her lighting, to Justin for helping with the setup, to Ian for the violin, to Eli for her acting as the woodsman, to Mieko for making the program, and to the parent volunteers for the juice and popcorn!

Photo Credit: Justin Briginshaw Photography
